Here's the new pics. I am going to take some of me in normal clothes this weekend - should have plenty of good opportunity pics because it's Tyler's birthday weekend!! Yippee!!! Our bedding is supposed to come tomorrow. I can't wait to see it!!
We set a date for the shower. It will be Oct. 17 at my mom's house. Hopefully everyone will be able to make it! I'm starting to feel rather large these days. My stomach is definitely getting in the way. Too bad I still have 15 more weeks!! I can see how this could get uncomfortable. Well - I'm exhausted so I'm off to bed! look great! If you think your stomach is in the way now, just wait! The worst is when you get stuck behind the steering wheel of the car...I got stuck getting out of Linda Meyers car in her garage and all she did was laugh..took me 5 minutes to wedge my way out...beware of tight spaces and pregnant bellies! Tell Tyler Happy Birthday
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