Monday, August 3, 2009

20 Week Appointment

Today we went to the doctor for our BIG appointment. We got to see the baby again which was AMAZING since we haven't had any ultrasounds since our 8 week appointment.  Everything looked great and was right on target - 1 head, 2 arms, 2 legs, and 1 penis.  Yup!  You read that right, we found out!!!  As we were sitting waiting for the doctor to come in, Tyler said if I wanted to find out we could.  At first I thought he was teasing me but he was serious!!!  Of course I wanted to find out!!!  It was a GREAT DAY!  Here are some pics of the ultrasounds.  

This one is the baby giving us a thumbs up.

This one is the money shot that confirmed it was a boy.

Here is the face looking head on as well as the arms right below.

This is the shot that the doctor said was the second best way to tell if its a boy - he is playing with his penis.  HAHA
Slightly scary 3D shot.  He said they look much cooler closer to birth - sorta alienish now.

So that's it and we are thrilled!! Now onto decorating for the nursery and buying clothes!! Yippee!!!


  1. I am so EXCITED for you! I'm glad Tyler gave in and let you find out what you are having! Our babies can date since they'll only be about 6 weeks apart and live closeby! Let's go do some shopping!

  2. Our grandson looks like he is developing to perfection! We couldn't be more thrilled! Now we need to order the bedding and get that room painted! (pirates or sports???) Another Gilder football player on the rise! Grandma Jane

  3. I was right. I predicted you were going to have a boy! Now I wonder if I'm right about Baby Z being a girl? Only time will tell. That is very exciting news..So are you going to give us any hints on names?...Congrats!.Love Great Auntie Di

  4. Yay! So excited that you found out :) 20 more weeks of suspense would have killed me!!! Can't wait to start buying little outfits for Baby G!
