Monday, November 23, 2009
36 week appointment
I had the first of my weekly appointments today and it was very exciting!! I am 70% effaced and at a -1. The doctor felt the head and said the baby has definitely dropped and we are ready to go! He did say this doesn't necessarily mean I will delivery early but he wouldn't be surprised if I did. Luckily - the furniture is supposed to be shipped Wed so hopefully next week sometime we can finish the nursery (finally!). We got the car seat installed over the weekend and I am now a pro at installing it in all positions. =) He thinks the baby is about 6.5 lbs right now and thinks he will be on the bigger side which does not excite me in the least. Oh well - I know that these estimates are rarely accurate. Next appointment is Monday and hopefully there will be some progress! I'll keep you posted.
Saturday, November 21, 2009
35 weeks
Just because I'm lazy - I'm posting some pictures w/o the "outfit." However, Mabel wanted to be in on the excitement so she is in it as well. Definitely feeling bigger with every passing day - sleeping and moving around are getting harder but it is still manageable. The furniture should be coming any day now and I am very anxious for it to get here so we can finish up the nursery!

Monday, November 9, 2009
34 weeks
Geez!! I can't believe how quickly my due date is approaching. AH! Actually - I'm feeling more and more ready each day. We are slowly but surely getting all the "stuff" we need. The furniture is supposed to come by the end of this month. I am really looking forward to getting that so I can finish up the nursery. I had 34 week appointment today. I am measuring 34 weeks so all is good. The heart beat was strong. My next appointment is in two weeks and then I will go every week after that until I deliver! My doctor said my uterus can't go up anymore since it has reached my ribs so now I will just grow outwards. I am definitely starting to feel heavy and moving around isn't so easy anymore.

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